
A Mother’s Journey

Where does a mother’s journey lead them? Where does it all start?

If you have been pregnant before or find yourself in the current state, you can relate. Whether you have known someone personally or not, seeing the stages of pregnancy can be neat. These stages are neater when the mom-to-be photographs every step along the way.

A mother can become a mother in so many ways! Taking on the role is what makes one a mother. This particular mother has a birth story.

Stage one: The Announcement

Brittney and her family reach out late summer last year. She was so excited to speak as she found out she was expecting. They had 2 teenage daughters so this was going to be a like new experience for them!

Stage Two: The Maternity Session

After a few months, Brittney and I met back up for her maternity session. The gown she wore from the client closet was perfect. We bared the cold and had fun for a total of 10 mins!

Stage Three: The Birth & Arrival

The birthing plan was set. The plan still things change. We all know babies come when they want! Brittany gave me a heads up one morning that baby girl was on her way and they were moving the scheduled cesarean up to that afternoon!

I threw some things together and head that way. Shortly after getting there, they started getting ready. Little Miss Phenix made her entrance.

As this momma welcomed her new little one into the world, I made my way home. It’s an emotional roller coaster during this process. Really it would be during any process when becoming a mom; no matter a new mom or a mom of 6! I mean, who hasn’t cried becoming a fur momma! I know I have, as it is a passionate thing taking on that role!

This journey was like new for Brittney, as her youngest was already close to being a teenager. Stepping back and letting this bonding moment was pure bliss.

Stage Four: Cuddling and Healing

I visited Phenix and momma again to grab a few moments in the recovery room before discharged. Followed by a small newborn family session.

A mothers story is like no other. There are so many different sides to it, so many different emotions and much more. No matter if it’s yours, your mother’s or grandmother’s story it all comes down to the same thing: love. A mother loves.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mom roles out there. Fur moms, birth moms, moms who have rainbows, moms who adopt and anyone taking on a motherly role to give love! We see you and we love you.